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Driving lesson No.10-Parallel parking with K53 observations


                                                                                                      Parallel parking with K 53 observations

  You do the parking the same way just adds the checks.

  We will do it from the left side first.

   -3 point checks. Check middle mirror, left mirror, and left blind spot.

   -Select left indicator.

   -Select reverse gear.

   -Check 5 points: right blind spot, right mirror, middle mirror, left mirror, left blind spot (5 points).

   -Obtain clutch control, take off.

   -Immediately  check right blind spot

   -When you see the first/nearest poll (the one closer to the car) in the corner of the left window-lock left( with another car it might      be slightly different)

   -Than keep watching the outside/right mirror. When there you see the third/last poll(the one touching the curb) –straighten the      wheels, turning twice right.

   -Than start watching the first poll again as well as the left mirror. When you see them visually in line/overlapped than lock right

    ( with another car it might be slightly different).

   -When the car is parallel to the parking, stop. Pull the hand brake, select neutral, release the pedals.

    On the way out follow the same procedure regarding checks and indicators (3 point check, indicator, gear, 5 point checks)

  Parallel parking from the right side.

   -3 point checks. Check middle mirror, right mirror, and right blind spot.

   -Select right indicator.

   -Select reverse gear.

   -Check 5 points: left blind spot, left mirror, middle mirror, right mirror, right blind spot (5 points).

   -Obtain clutch control, take off.

   -Immediately check the left blind spot.

   - When you see the first/nearest poll (the one closer to the car) in line(visually overlapped) with the right(internal) handle of the      back right door -lock right(      with another car it might be slightly different).

   -Than keep watching the outside/left mirror. When there you see the third/last poll (the one touching the curb) –straighten the      wheels, turning twice left.

    Than start watching the first poll again as well as the right mirror. When you see visual gap about 20-30 cm. in between them     lock left( with another car it     might be slightly different).

  When the car is parallel to the parking, stop. Pull the hand brake, select neutral, release the pedals.

  On the way out follow the same procedure regarding checks and indicators (3 point check, indicator, gear, 5 point checks)

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