Alley docking with K 53 Checks
You do the parking the same way just adds the checks.
Alley docking with checks from left.
-3 point checks. Check middle mirror, left mirror, and left blind spot.
-Select left indicator.
-Select reverse gear.
-Check 5 points: right blind spot, right mirror, middle mirror, left mirror, left blind spot (5 points).
-Obtain clutch control, take off.
-When your body is in line with the first poll check right blind spot
-When your body is exactly 50 centimetres from the second poll you lock left. Depending on the model of the car this distance varies.
-Then check your outside(right) mirror. In the mirror you will see 6 polls one after another up to the corner poll. We count only the last 3 polls. They lay in a straight line and you see them close to each other. When you see the 3 rd (last) poll – straighten the wheels(2 turns right).
If everything is done right you suppose to find yourself in the middle of the entrance of the parking with straight wheels. But it’s possible to do the first turn too early-that brings you close to the left pools, or too late-to the right ones. Or you may drive too fast steering too slow. That makes the car askew. Because all of this possibilities you need to check the position of the car and fix it if it’s not right. How? The best way is true the 2 rear view mirrors. You need to look at them constantly, left-right,left-right and compare the visual gaps in between the last poll and the back of the car on your left with the last poll and the back of the car on your right. This 2 gaps must be equal if everything is ok. If they are not you have to equalise them. How? By steering to the side where the bigger gap is. Steer less than you think you need just wait a little longer. Once the gaps are equal, return immediately the steering wheel to horizontal/straight position. Try to reduce the adjustment to 2 steerings only. After that keep monitoring the gaps and if they need corrections do it. When your body reach the first out of the last 3 polls stop watching the gaps and look true the right window. Identify the last/corner poll than keep watching the second last until you stop next to it.
Pull the hand brake select neutral, release the pedals.
On the way out follow the same procedure regarding checks and indicators (3 point check, indicator, gear, 5 point checks, obtain clutch control, take off)
Alley docking with checks from right.
-3 point checks. Check middle mirror, right mirror, and right blind spot.
-Select right indicator.
-Select reverse gear.
-Check 5 points: left blind spot, left mirror, middle mirror, right mirror, right blind spot (5 points).
-Obtain clutch control, take off.
-When your body is in line with the first poll-check the left blind spot.
-When your body is exactly 50 centimetres from the second poll you lock right. Depending on the model of the car this distance varies.
Then check your outside(left) mirror. In the mirror you will see 6 polls one after another up to the corner poll. We count only the last 3 polls. They lay in a straight line and you see them close to each other. When you see the 3 rd (last) poll – straighten the wheels(2 turns left).
If everything is done right you suppose to find yourself in the middle of the entrance of the parking with straight wheels. But it’s possible to do the first turn too early-that brings you close to the left pools, or too late-to the right ones. Or you may drive too fast steering too slow. That makes the car askew. Because all of this possibilities you need to check the position of the car and fix it if it’s not right. How? The best way is true the 2 rear view mirrors. You need to look at them constantly, left-right,left-right and compare the visual gaps in between the last poll and the back of the car on your left with the last poll and the back of the car on your right. This 2 gaps must be equal if everything is ok. If they are not you have to equalise them. How? By steering to the side where the bigger gap is. Steer less than you think you need just wait a little longer. Once the gaps are equal, return immediately the steering wheel to horizontal/straight position. Try to reduce the adjustment to 2 steerings only. After that keep monitoring the gaps and if they need corrections do it. When your body reach the first out of the last 3 polls stop watching the gaps and look true the right window. Identify the last/corner poll than keep watching the second last until you stop next to it.
Pull the hand brake select neutral, release the pedals.
On the way out follow the same procedure regarding checks and indicators (3 point check, indicator, gear, 5 point checks, obtain clutch control, take off)