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Driving lesson No.4-3 point turn

                                                                                                     Three point turn

  What is 3 point turn?

  Three point turn is exercise, a part of the yard test. There you have a replica of a cul de suck  or dead end (street without an exit). This piece of street is surrounded with 3 curbs and a line. In the middle you have dividing line and a rectangle painted on the ground called block.

You have to park the car into the block. From this position you have to turn around and stop on the other side of the road facing the opposite direction.

You can do this by doing one U-turn if you have enough space in between the curbs. But the space is not enough for this. It’s a 9 meters wide road. Its quiet wide road but still not enough to be able to do U_turn. Than the only option is to do it with more manoeuvres-3 manoeuvres.

First manoeuvre-turn right, second reverse left and third manoeuvre- turn right again.

But the examiners have some requirements:

Due to all this requirements I advise you to follow certain steps.

First manoeuvre  

  1. Take off and drive for one meter, maintaining good clutch control
  2. After 1 meter driving lock(turn fully) right
  3. When your body is on the top of the lane line straighten the wheels. You do this by turning 2 times to the opposite direction. Two times mean you steer until you see the longer bar of the  steering wheel straight and the short one down twice.
  4. Keep driving straight until you reach the curb and stop just before to touch it with your wheels.

            Pull the hand brake, release the pedals

Second manoeuvre

   1. Take off and lock left

   2. When your body is on the top of the lane line straighten the wheels

   3. Just before the curb stop. Pull the hand brake, release the pedals

Third manoeuvre

   1.Take off and drive straight.

   2. When your body is on the top of the lane line-lock right

   3. Checking over the bonnet of the car  and when you consider car parallel to the road straighten the wheels and stop. Pull the         hand brake, release the pedals

Remember: 50% of the job is to control the speed, doing excellent clutch control, keeping your heel on the floor,

the other 50% is to follow the steps accurately.

Keep practicing and repeat incline start and driving.

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